My Relationships
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
OBJECTIVES: (Competency)
- Who supports me in my everyday activities/ environments?
- What makes a good friend? How do I develop relationships?
- How important is it for me to meet and know others with hearing difficulties?
- How do I connect/develop relationships with my teacher(s) and others in my community?
- How willing are you to initiate a conversation with peers?
- How do you maintain this conversation?
- What do you need to do to be a good communicator?
- What are some communication repair skills you can use to facilitate your understanding? (see Communication Repair Module)
- How do you know when someone does or does not want to engage with you? What are those signs? (e.g. non-verbal)
- How do you engage with others?
- E.g. study groups, initiating an outing, etc.
- What is small talk and how do you engage in that?
- When are times that you might NOT want to engage and how do you communicate that?
- What is it like to date when you have hearing loss?
- Why is relationship-building important?
- What makes a good friend?
- How many friends do you need?
- How do you ask others questions about themselves?
- Are you comfortable interacting with those different from yourself? (e.g cultural, physical, etc)
- If not, why?
- Do you ask them about their difference? How do you ask?
- What does teamwork mean to you?
- What does cooperation mean to you?
- What is needed of you to be a good teammate/group member?
- What do you do if you are in disagreement with a team/group member?
- How would you seek/offer help from a team/group member when needed?
OBJECTIVES: (Relatedness)
- How am I perceived in different relationships?
- What do I contribute to different relationships?
- What are my strengths and weaknesses relative to relationships?
- Who can you talk to about your existing relationships and get input on building relationships?
- When do I choose to tell others about my hearing loss? How do I do this?
- If I choose not to disclose, what strategies do I use to manage my communication?
- What might motivate me to tell others about my hearing loss?
- How do I let others know about my interests, desires, and preferences?
OBJECTIVES: (Autonomy)
- How do others know you value your relationships? With them; with other?
- How willing are you to build new relationships?
- When do you not want to build relationships?
- How willing are you to grow established relationships?
- What are relationship boundaries? What are YOUR relationship boundaries?
Explore the PEAK Modules
My Hearing
My Advocacy
My Accessibility
My Relationships
My Wellness